Running Selenium Webdrivers in Flask framework(python) on an AWS EC2 Instance
I start the explanation by considering that you have already created AWS EC2 instance and succesfully connected to your instance using pem file through your terminal. The steps i discuss down below should be done in exact order.
Step1: Start new screen and become root user
Use the following command
$sudo su
Step2: Install python3 ,pip,Git and virtualenv
$yum install python3 -y
$yum install git -y
$yum install pip
$pip install virtualenv
Step3: Create virtual environment with python3 and activate that environment.
Replace 3.7 with whatever version python3 you installed.
$virtualenv -p python3.7 my_app
$source ./my_app/bin/activate
Step4: Install the browser and webdriver
You need some browser to run webdrivers. The choice is yours i’m using chrome browser and chrome webdriver here.It’s important here to download browser first then identify it’s version and then install chromedriver for that particular browser version. You can go wrong if you don’t follow these steps carefully.
First move to root directory and enter following commands
Enter below command to install chrome
$curl | bash
$sudo mv /usr/bin/google-chrome-stable /usr/bin/google-chrome
$google-chrome — version && which google-chrome
Above code will print chrome version .Best statergy here is to browse the internet and use this version number to get appropriate linux chrome driver and replace below command link.
$sudo mv chromedriver /usr/bin/chromedriver$chromedriver --version
Step5: Pull from the Git
First you have to be in ec2-user directory. Use git commands to fetch your git repository. Replace your username and repo name in command.
$git clone
Step6: Install necessary python libraries
Install all libraries you have used in your code using pip.
$pip install flask
$pip install selenium
$pip install waitress
Step7: Run the program
$cd your_repo
This will run the starter code given below
from selenium import webdriver
from flask import Flask
from import Options
from waitress import serve
app = Flask(__name__)
def hello():
options = Options()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
element_text = driver.page_source
driver.quit() return element_text
if __name__ == '__main__':
serve(app,host = '',port = 5000)
The above code will return html source code of google home page.